
Theoretical draw position.

Dear Lichess, please check ️ out the game I have linked below ...

Please, check out this game, because it can not be possible by any measures, to get lost ( on time, or whatever case, indeed ) when the opponent has just only, a bishop.

Please, be kind to accept this fair claim, and proceed to solved it by declaring the game as a draw ( points involved included, may be returned back )

Thanks in advanced.

Yiley ️
Since you bring up the term,
> A book draw or a theoretical draw is a position that is known to result in a draw if both sides play optimally.

One way to think about it is that once a player's timer has run out, they can no longer play optimally. So a "theoretical draw" is not guaranteed to be an actual draw.
@MrPushwood said in #2:
> Please read the FAQs. Then you will discover why this is so...
unless we get everyone to spam that everytime there is a post that can be answered by fqa it will never happen that they read it

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