
Subtle tactics puzzles

I'm a bit fed up of tactical puzzles in which the winning move is to sacrifice the queen with check and then checkmate using the other pieces. Chess problems have a rule that the winning move cannot be a check or a capture, but as much as I love chess problems many of them are artificial zugzwang positions that don't appear in real games. Does anyone know of good tactical exercises from real games in which the winning move is a prophylactic move rather than a direct threat? I've tried solving pawn endgames and they are very fun but usually quite difficult.

Also it would be cool to find tactics puzzles which are about how to accurately defend against an attack rather than executing the attack itself.
All the puzzles on this site are from real games that were played on this site. I tend to do about 30 a week and there is a good percentage of forcing move type puzzles, but there is also a good mix where there is no sacrifice or forced move.

I know people that take a random GM game, go to move 20, or whatever move you want, and then try and pick the best move...check after what the GM played, check the engine and if your move is different from either or both, why is it ?

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