
You shouldn't be able to start an new game after abandoning.

Just realized you could do this. Had a dead lost opponent abandon. I held my cursor over their username to see their stats only to find they were already playing another game while I was left to wait for time to tick off so I could claim victory. Not cool. Is there a way to prevent this without keeping people from playing multiple games.
Didn't you want to title: "You shouldn't be able to start an new game before abandoning"?
@lalebarde said in #2:
> Didn't you want to title: "You shouldn't be able to start an new game before abandoning"?

No. They did abandon. Their little green indicator went black. But they had simply started a new game in a different window or something.
Totally agree.
Leaving a game without resigning, and being able to immediately start playing another while their original opponent needs to wait to "claim a win" etc, is wrong!
I think if a player abandons they should get an automatic 5 minute ban, (more if they're a repeat offender) (don't care if it's the first time, they are wasting their opponent's time). If you really had to go then you probably need more than 5 minutes so it's not 'unfair'.
I takes a second to click on the resign button!
Click it then go!
Sorry for m'y bad english, il mixed "abandon" and "resign". Then i agree with the OP
I didn't realize they could do this. I now regret adding two hours to their clock thinking I was putting them in chess jail.

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