
Favourite basketball squad

Of course the “Harlem Globetrotters” because of their various show elements and slapstick interludes.
I was growing ever more fond of the Minnesota Timberwolves. But then the Nuggets woke up, slapped around the unfaithful, and reminded me: the Joker rules.

And let's not forget Jamal, Reggie, Christian, Michael Jr., Aaron, Justin and Kentavious. Or any others. Ever.

Management and coaching CAN be done correctly, and the Nuggets seem to have figured out how.

Other than Liverpool, I cannot think of a more dependably outstanding current sports team at the moment.
Basketball.. the game for incredibly tall players who can throw a ball but would never be able to make a living kicking one.
Dallas Mavericks. initially I liked their logo and it's a city that I would like to visit. I often watched the Dallas stars' hockey matches, so that's probably why too.
The Edmonton Grads...arguably the most successful BBall team in history.

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