
Opening repertoire - Broad or narrow?

One can get variety within an opening: after 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Nf6, playing sometimes 4 Ng5, sometimes 4 d4, etc.
@Monist said in #1:
> Do you play a broad or a narrow opening repertoire?
It depends on your memory only. If it's good, you play a big opening repertoire, if it's bad you chose a tiny one. And there is a good reason for it.

>What are the arguments for and against specialising in just a few openings at a low rating for Rapid and Classical?
The main argument is that at a low rating you don't specialize in anything.
over my chess career I've played probably 100s of different openings, but now I've narrowed it down to a still fairly broad repetoire for tournaments but my "traditional" repetoire is what I play mainly, the other stuff is to use in nationals, league matches etc..
For me now OTB, it is broad as white and narrow as black.

In blitz I'll tray all kinds of nonsense, sometimes on purpose even.

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