
Anonymous questions

I guess, it would be good idea if lichess added the possibility of anonymous questions. You ask the community, but decide to show your name, or not, like with GMs in tourneys. And then you don't have to delete the first message.
yeah i agree, but of course mods should still be able to see who did it
Yes, mods should be able to see the Anonymous posters names, or else there will be mass spam and the person who did it will get away.
Probably not since anonymous means completely unknown. Just think about the spam!
@MoralHelper said in #6:
> Probably not since anonymous means completely unknown. Just think about the spam!

Thats why they said that only the mods could see who posted it, not everyone.
@MoralHelper Moderators will be able to see the nicknames of guys who posted. We will be able to report to the post where the rules were violated.
@MoltenBoron you already have that option.

If you have a specific question, on which you prefer to be anonymous, you can send an email from your users email account to:

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