
Puzzle racer : Formula One season with race category level

I find very funny puzzle racer.
maybe as evolution we could have race category level (ex beginner, rookie, pro 1, pro 2, Elite 1, Elite 2)

I mean you start in first category (beginner for example)

a season is 10 races. when you finish a race you get points ( 1st : 25 pt, 2nd : 18 pt, 3rd 15pt ... 10th 1 point as formula one grand prix)

At the end of the season (when you have done your 10 races), you are qualified to next category level if you get at least 150 pts

During a race it doesn't matter if competitors don't have the same number of races already done.
what is interressing they belong to the same category level and the challenge is to go next one to challenge strongers opponents ?

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