
Carlsen, Kasparov, Nakamura, Firouzja and more battle it out on Lichess

Can we get the time in clear UTC next time? GMT has been discontinued in the 60s and the point of universal time is to use it plainly in international communities, not to give some local time and then put a gmt-5 behind it, which requires two conversions from everybody, instead of just one if you use UTC.

So, tournament starting time:
Daily, at 18:00 UTC
I hope they show players account because i want to follow kasparov in lichess and i dont know his account name
also so many people wonder about hikaru,s secret lichess account
Omg I can't wait. This would be the best tournament on lichess this year.
2020 Champions Showdown: Chess 9LX, Day 1 Tournament starting time:
Carlsen-GM DrNykterstein,Kasparov-GM STL_Kasparov, Nakamura-GM STL_Nakamura, Firouzja-GM STL_Firouzja
King Alireza is the best
Do not doubt this for a moment!
And he is here to prove it ;-)
This would have been great just as a rapid tournament. As a Chess960 tournament followed by a rapid tournament this will amazing! I hope they will have face cams, but even without it will be a pleasure to follow the games!

Great and very deserving for Lichess to be the platform used also!

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