
Got flagged for cheating when I didn't cheat

I wouldn't post this if it weren't true.. First of all I have no reason to bring this up if it weren't an issue. I was recently flagged for cheating. Account conqueran. Anyone can feel free to look at the games. I am USCF 2003 been playing chess for over 20 years and have over 2400 games on the account. I told the lichess team I am willing to speak on the phone and be tested for my chess knowledge yet I wasn't given the opportunity to be heard. Can I do anything else? I am a chess teacher and this looks very poor to have a flagged account. I would appreciate if someone with chess experience can look at the evidence and come to a decision rather then an algorithm.. Lets have a discussion I'm all ears.
already did that and didn't get the ban lifted. They had some generic response.

"We are continuously improving our cheat detection so that we can aggressively prevent cheating while minimizing the false positives. After investigating your case, we have determined that our cheat detection algorithms flagged your account with sufficient evidence for the mark to remain."
All cases are manually reviewed by human beings: mods. They can send personalized responses or can use generic responses that have been pre-made, which is what you got.

In any case, since your appeal has been denied, it's time to find another site to play on.

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