
Liches rating vs FIDE elo

I'm curious about how lichess rating and FIDE elo difers I now some NM he's 2000+ FIDE elo but here in lichess he's about my rating , i've also win agains a few FMs so can Lichess rating and FIDE elo be compared ?, How would you translate my Lichess rating into FIDE elo?
Because perhaps, he doesn’t get that rating in lichess, (because he hasn’t played enough)
I don’t think lichess rating and Fide elo are related.
Because lichess,p isn’t official, while FIDE is
FIDE and lichess ratings are very much related
As far as I have seen the difference is of 200-400 pts(that's the relation)
But that's not constant throughout(Both tend to be same after 2400)
Ratings mentioned here are rapid ratings
yes :
Lichess rating = FIDE rating +100 for bad internet chess players
Lichess rating = FIDE rating +300 for good internet chess players

Perhaps the NM doesn't play much on lichess. Congrats for beating FMs :-)
The lichess elo is about a couple hundred points off from FIDE, making your 2200 classical rating about somewhere near 2000 FIDE. If you live in the United States.

Don't care too much about your rating, if you improve, your rating takes care of itself.
Thanks @annoygenius he in fact play a lot in lichess much than even me i dont really care about my rating but im pretty curious i mean in FIDE on board tournaments we earn elo by playing against players same as lichess so the idea is about the same i think the main diference is how often we play , we can play in lichess whenever we want but we cant play on board that often is that or the system by which they calculate it
Lichess and FIDE rating are related. This isn't surprising because both ratings measure your chess skills. But it is difficult to convert these ratings. There are so many factors.

One example: Nobody plays matches on Lichess with FIDE time control:
"90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game with an addition of 30 seconds per move starting from move one."

Another example: I watch videos from GM Huschenbeth.

His FIDE rating is: 2604
His Lichess Blitz rating is: 2514
So his Lichess rating is even lower. Why? Because he is a streamer and talks much during his streams, reads the chat and so on. His Lichess rating isn't important for him.

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