
Rare middlegame imbalance

White has the bishop-pair and couple of pawns for the piece, which translates into ample compensation. Black has three knights, neither can do anything other than what the other others cannot, so they're redundant. How do you gauge the chances of playing draw as white here?

I dunno, black has a lot of open files to position his rooks on and he can probably push his minorit(ies) to wreck whites pawns, especially on the queenside. If it's white to move he could always take on f6 and double the f pawns I guess. If white can double his rooks on the d file he might stand a chance. Just my opinion on things. On a side note, I don't think that this position is that likely to arise in an actual game unless for some odd reason you need to promote with a knight check or fork.
Black should win this. Just castle, trade off all rooks on the d-file, trade one knight for a bishop, trade another knight for 2 pawns, simplify to a won knight versus bishop endgame.
Black is ahead by 1.1 - 1.3 pawns according latest stockfish.

1.2 eval is dangerous threshold for engines. Sustaining this eval is difficult.

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