
Hey Guys! Who here does follow for follow, (just a question), plz do not be insulting...

<Comment deleted by user>
Nice, my parents made me do that for a while too but not that I am 12 I like to think that I am responsible enough to know the right people who do and not to talk to
People who do follow for follow as a complete rule are just desperate for followers, and like seeing that number tick up. I generallly follow people who I know well, or respect based on some aspect. A lot of them follow me too, but if some random player follows me, I won't just follow them right back. People shouldn't be so concerned with followers, this is a chess website, not a popularity one.
Everyone who wants follow for follow, save that for Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, or whatever. Lichess is a chess website I think. I play chess here.

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