
Who came up with the term "You have the right to remain silent"?

@BorisOspasky said in #8:
Cops are just as happy to pin you on a victimless crime, and often just want a suspect to confess anything that can get them convicted.. maybe you're not in the states or maybe you've never dealt with cops trying for an hour to get you to admit to searches etc. But the miranda rights are a blessing. The court can subpoena you later
I wish all forum posters exercised their rights and kept silent
But the right to remain silent is actually beneficial for you
You don’t have to confess, (unless you didn’t commit the offence, then they won’t beat you up for something you don’t know)
@justme23 said in #17:
> The Police in Europe sure didn't.
They do follow it though , its in the European Convention on Human Rights

and they probably wont shoot you if you move too fast, have a funny look in your eyes or have the wrong color of skin as a bonus!
I thought it was Joe Friday.

Interestingly Miranda was stabbed to death in a bar in Phoenix.
His assailant fled to Mexico and was never caught.

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