
is water wet or does water make things wet

Water is NOT wet. Wetness is a concept invented by humans. So for one, it is already faulty because it was created by humans. Two, Would water consider itself wet if it had a mind? Probably not. Do we consider ourselves young if we are 90 years old? NO. On top of that, how could wetness even be a concept, if out body repels the water. So are we even getting wet. We might feel the water on us, but are we as a human getting wet, or are we not?
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@Leoisnotgood said in #4:
> water isn't wet it just makes things wet example if u pour water on a table the table is wet but if u pour water in a glass of water it's just more water

I agree with that
I was going to say that water makes things wet but then I decided against it after seeing all the smart answers :skull:
I think anything with liquid or gaseous water would be considered "wet".
@AliceQiao said in #1:
> I don't know please tell me
sorry only the great scientists of old know the answer to your mind boggling head tripin brain teaser of a question i have not the brain to answer it is one of those questions that will probably never be answered like 1+1=...
Wet: consisting of, containing, covered with, or soaked with liquid (such as water)
(Merriam Websters definition of wet)

Since one of the definitions is consisting of liquid, and one is covered with liquid, I would say both.
> sorry only the great scientists of old know the answer to your mind boggling head tripin brain teaser of a question i have not the brain to answer it is one of those questions that will probably never be answered like 1+1=...

@PrimalPotatoMine rimalPotatoPMine said in #19:
> Wet: consisting of, containing, covered with, or soaked with liquid (such as water)
> (Merriam Websters definition of wet)
> Since one of the definitions is consisting of liquid, and one is covered with liquid, I would say both.

dang it primalPotato just answered the mind boggling head tripin brain teaser of a question HOWWW! wait potato answer this what is 1+1?

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