
winning against a higher rated opponent

So i went against a 2000 while i'm around 1750 (classical) when i focus a bit. He/she obviously decided to play a dubious opening and gave me a chance which was nice from him/her, i think it transposed to a weird benoni structure which i never played against before.
Its not my "best" game but i think its my craziest one, he/she was playing tempo, i was down on the clock which was stressing me the f-out, i saw ghosts of Bxh3 multiples times at the end... But basically i managed to "sacrifice" 3 minor pieces in the game (obviously they werent all real sacrifices but still ^^), i opened the center, and the last mating combination is quite nice, hope you enjoy it :)
One of the sac was a blunder according to stockfish but after looking at it its either drawn or black loses the queen but gets some of my pieces and a better position which i think no human would try to play.
Nice sacrifices, but you were in a winning position anyway ^^ Also you missed a beautiful mating sequence (mate in 2) on move 24.
Ye these sac were unecessary but i couldnt resist the tentation ^^
i dont know why its showing queen d5, i indeed played queen f4 (mate in 2) and he resigned.

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