
Losing is fun .

i think losing is fun as you get to learn all your opponents tricks for free without much effort what do you think ?
If you really think that you get to learn those tricks for free than there's even more fun ahead of you :)
I prefer to win... there is something satisfying in finding the best moves and the winning plan. Losing is kind of boring. IMHO.
seeing this I wont play you... wont show my tricks hehe
If you win you learn double. 1) You learn the tricks of your opponents. 2) You learn how to overcome those tricks on the spot. All for free!
I enjoy a well played game regardless of the outcome. I enjoy picking up tricks and techniques from my opponents. I wouldn't categorize losing as fun. The enjoyment factor depends on the nature of the loss: Blunders vs. being outplayed. Blunders are very frustrating.
You could probably learn more tricks if you tried a lot because you get farther into the game.

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