
Feature Request: HD Moves

Often my feature requests make it into lichess months down the road, so please hear me out. On low depth the computer does not see many winning ideas thus many moves will give higher evaluation then the computers initial moves. Have you ever seen a position that had say +2 evaluation with white to move and white makes a nice move out sacrifice that forces the computer to say +4? These would be "HD" moves. They could use like a cool HD graphic in the analysis board, which I could design it if needed. At higher depths the computer typically sees these moves so it can confirm whether they qualify. If the devs have any questions I could clarify and show examples
I kinda like this idea as I can already imagine what it could be like. But this is something we don't actually need, in my opinion.

Oftentimes the built-in engine points out accurate moves swiftly and provide fair readings on the eval bar. However, it requires some time to process some specific positions (fortresses aside).
This is where your idea (of having the very best move designated on the analysis board) may come into play upon reaching its depth limit.
That's a cute thought I'll say but I believe the best move should be seen as ordinary within the user-interface (with the regular blue-arrow-indicator) as there's no need to have the top choices uniquely designated in the user-interface.

Season's greetings

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