
Lichess v2 is here

The good thing is that Thibault created this post on Reddit and made some clarifications. It gives everyone hope for the way forward. If you don’t know or don’t remember, the last time Lichess passed the update in the first half of 2016. If my memory serves me. It was a blissful time when you could write to tech support and answered you. From about the end of 2017, more than 20 thousand players started playing at the same time on the site...

I like everyone else, will wait patiently for the resolution of all problems, although I suspect that this may be delayed for weeks and months.

Palemoon does not work as PirateShoop and SRIron... I haven't tried the latest version of SlimJet. But this is in any case one of the best alternative browsers - I use the old versions. For XP, only the latest version of Firefox works, but still you can't see the clock.

2 annoying things about v2 imho:

1. the time control and number of spectators are not displayed in Lichess TV

and please do something about the next one asap:

2. once clock times are low its almost impossible to realize whose move it is at first sight because the red clock frame no longer switches to the player to move but remains for both players until the end of the game without interruption
In my opinion the most of the latest lichess' "cosmetic" changes are beneficial in general, though I strongly disagree with one specific change which makes mine - and I believe many other "bullet" players as well - life harder now, in comparison with previous "look & feel" of the main playing window. Namely, I always felt more comfortable when I had an option to change main board's size to my liking, which in the case of bullet playing usually means - the smaller (board), the better. Howeverow such flexible and user friendly intuitive option seem to vanish from our choice, unfortunatelly. So my question would be: is there still any way (a hidden option, perhaps) to change the main board now (make it smaller or bigger), which now seems to remain fixed to the max screen resolution regardless of zoom change
@Earth_Is_Flat either if you click on your number in the top right there's an option to change board size

or if you haven't started the game there should be an option in the bottom right corner of the board to drag and resize it
Im using ipad, safari and chrome for browser, can I poseted my screenshot? (for feedback) Thanks lichees team
To post a screenshot you'll first have to uploads the picture to a file sharing site and then post the link her: Personally I use imgur.
I hope in Lichess version X there be an option (maybe an eyed-shaped button) to fix the current game we're watching on lichess TV instead of by default updating to the higest rated game, becase sometimes we want to stay in one lichess TV game and suddenly it changes to the higest rated one.
One issue I have which I'm sure someone has pointed out but which is really annoying me is that when I'm going through a study or a game that I've played with variations, I can no longer just move through the entire thing using the arrow keys (and navigate between sub-variations with the down arrow in a little pop-up menu). That was useful and there is no reason why that should have been randomly removed.

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