
To puzzle creators

To puzzle creators:
how do you detect chess combinations in games? I'm sure it's automated. Do you compare evaluation scores between positions? Do you check if multiple moves lead to a win? Thank you
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Then let me says only this "the project failed". Often i have puzzles 2 ways find to the same goal. Lichess insists that only the stored sequence of moves is the correct one. Zero intelligence and tolerance.
Actually i don't like playing a puzzle anymore.
Maybe I'll change platforms too. Too many weird things happen here.
@Babaryka Well, I wrote a small addition to it myself so I guess you can say I studied it, lol.

If you want a general idea of how it works, basically, it goes through games that already were server analyzed and then tries to start a puzzle at points where the server analysis identified a mistake. Often, that means there now is a tactic available to the opponent. So it then checks if it's actually winning (going from very losing to slightly losing will still be marked as a mistake after all but doesn't make for a great puzzle) and if there's a row of moves where there's always only a single clearly winning move for the player. The details are a bit more complex since it checks for a bunch of other details to try to exclude bad puzzles but that's the gist of it.

@DEunddieWELT While it's true that there exist a very small number of puzzles where this is the case (when (potentially older versions of) Stockfish don't find the other move on medium depth), it's extremely rare and they get removed when discovered. If this happens to you that often it's more likely the second way you find is just not correct because of some response you missed. That's why you should always check with Stockfish when you think the puzzle is wrong. If you actually find a bad puzzle, you can report them here. But given the ratio of actual bad puzzles to incorrect reports and your (sorry to say) rather low puzzle rating, I'm inclined to believe that's not really the case.
What about puzzles that end abruptly, possibly because Stockfish, in its oracle divination, found a very long loophole in the scenery of candidate variations, but no human could tell you why this the best move, without Stockfish...

There seems to be more of them with second generation, and I suspect that NNue, with its classic evaluation divination over small material imbalance (tree search variations tips) may be why this is more visible (in proportions). I think this to be happening when in slightly losing puzzle initial position. That would make for small imbalance tree search tips admissible candidates (in proportions) and hence more forward time warp evaluations by NNue (remember, NNue is a predictor of classical NNue of moderate depth over any position being evaluated, and is used on the subset of those with small material imbalance, because classical SF is blind on those, it does not see any signal). So moderate depth concatenated by moderate depth and human no see.

More details (or admitted flaw in reasoning or knowledge) available upon request (itself would have to be precise). Others with same experience might word this differently.

OK. maybe not all humans, but for a given ability to see, there are more of those. (for the quick to look at rating to influence their own reasoning when reading something that is not chess playing itself but about chess).
The puzzles are pretty much correct, technically speaking. Only-moves until the last move in more than 99% of all cases.
> What about puzzles that end abruptly

downvote those.

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