
Frequent reconnects, seemingly only on lichess

Anyone experience this and yet swear their internet is fine?

This link configures your site settings to use to a cloudflare IP address for our live chess connection (i.e. websockets):

This link reverses it, returning your lichess to normal:

Clicking one of those should "Changes applied" in green atop a debug dialog if it worked. You'll need to reload or click a new page before the new setting takes effect. This change is local to your device. It is not stored in your account. You can also clear site settings to get rid of it if you forget about or can't access the unset link above.

Most of the time, the lag will be slightly worse through the regional cloudflare IP. If you decide to try it, please post here whether you saw any improvement.
Some more details - when your browser uses a cloudflare IP address to connect, it is routed differently than an IP from's hosting provider (ovh). So your connections will take a different, often less optimal path to our websockets server when routing through cloudflare - but the hope is that it could be a more reliable path for some.

If it seems to work OK, you should try it over a period of a few days before attempting feedback.
@schlawg said in #1:
> Anyone experience this and yet swear their internet is fine?

Bro I had the exact issue you described (frequent disconnects/reconnects when starting a new game on a fresh browser session, lag between moves in-game ending up taking time on the clock even when premoving, occasional reconnects even during game, etc etc) since like... last 6 months? I figured it might be my ping to the Lichess server (even though whenever I checked the page, it always said my network is good) and there wasn't much I could do about it.

Your solution (the first link) worked like a charm and I'm now so much faster on my time usage in game. Also, no more "reconnecting..." at the bottom of the page during a game at all. Thank you so much!!! <3
It happens sometimes when I want to reconnect, but the first link makes it faster.
Thanks, will try. The "reconnecting" issue happens all the time, even though my connection is supposed to be fine. Lost quite a few games this way.
Очень часто сталкивался с этой проблемой.
me too, i though it was my wifi and changed to data network. it happens only shortly, so i thought my wifi was a little loose, but seeing other people having same issues, i guess it wasn't only my issue...

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