
Time bug?

It seemed my opponent ran out of time before me but the points were added to him/her & subtracted from me. The end clocks both showed all 0s. What happened? I took a screen shot to show.
It's probably just lag. Your lag displayed that the opponent didn't move, even though he/she could've moved in the actual time, and you ran out of time because the opponent made the move.
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hmmm thats extremely weird, analysis says that ur opponent had 0 seconds with no decimal, maybe ask a mod?
i have such Problem on August 31 in the Game with asr3456 , his time was endet ,my time is 3m 51s , i have black and white is to move
But after the Time Zero by asr3456 i lost the game by time !
Ten Points are in hell !!!
In my Gamelist is my time by Zero and asr3456 have 3m 25s !!!
Sorry, this is shit and not correct !!!
I have make a Photo by the zero time from asr3456 and Rf1 to e1 is not moved ,
Where can i make this return ???
<Comment deleted by user>
If you check the time graph, on the last move of the opponent it shows 0:00.04. The timers on the analysis board seem to only show the first decimal place, so it shows up as all zeros but he still had a very small bit of time left when he made the move.

And during the game, it's probably because of lag. Your opponent made the move just in time for the Lichess server to register it but it didn't arrive at your end before the time on your screen reached zero. That's why you should only stop moving when you hear the end of game sound and the right side shows the game is over.

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