
Girl things

@chessrooker2012 said in #17:
> i totally agree. i had a trip on my bday, was really excited about it cuz i was gonna have the best time with my friends. ended up groaning all day cuz i had my periods started on the day of the trip. and yes talking about this month, even i have my exams, it's my language 2 exam the day after, and i'm praying extra hard that i don't get my periods while writing the exams. it will be like two tensions in one go :/

Dude Thats me we both have the same brain XD
I also pray that I don’t get my periods during my exams
Guess no one listened to my prays this time
But whats even worst is that when I get periods during exams (I am anemic (deficiency of iron cus of blood loss)) is that I can’t study like I get tooo tired and when I get up I feel dizzy
Like if that happened to me during my bday I will cry my eye balls out
You guys are so strong and sweet
(Tbh I never spoke to someone this openly about this XD)
@Aster_blossom said in #21:
> Dude Thats me we both have the same brain XD

> But whats even worst is that when I get periods during exams (I am anemic (deficiency of iron cus of blood loss)) is that I can’t study like I get tooo tired and when I get up I feel dizzy
ohh i feel bad for you.. i dont have anemia but if i have periods and if we have school assemblies then even i feel dizzy

> You guys are so strong and sweet
i agree :))

> (Tbh I never spoke to someone this openly about this XD)
same ngl haha
@Aster_blossom said in #21:
> But whats even worst is that when I get periods during exams (I am anemic (deficiency of iron cus of blood loss)) is that I can’t study like I get tooo tired and when I get up I feel dizzy

I feel you, girl. It's rly hard to study on a period because it's tiring, you have to remember to go to the bathroom every four hours, and it's uncomfortable. The cherry on the top is cramps. I'm a very organized person, and I hate messes. Facing the mess on periods is really difficult for me.

>(Tbh I never spoke to someone this openly about this XD)
I encourage girls to talk about this. In my school, we girls always carry extras for each other. When our juniors (6th, 7th class) get their first periods, the school doesn't have pads to provide them. So we always have some in our stash for them.
I also encourage you to spread awareness to our male friends, because their mom, sister, cousin sister, future girlfriend, future wife and daughter will have periods. It's a shame that in such a developed world, there is no awareness on this very common part of a girl's life.
Girlies?Girlie?? What decade and what galaxy are you from? My guess--original poster not female.
I’m not a girl, but a problem or a struggle I HATE is when stupid dudes treat ladies like there weaklings, dummies, or try to take over or suppress them. As a male, I apologize on behalf of all dudes, you shouldn’t be treated like that.
@goldensheepie said in #1:
> What struggles you all you girlies face. Tell me. Like today was my birthday and my periods decided to come today!!
Happy birthday (belated) I know I'm terribly late in wishing sorry
@goldensheepie said in #1:
> What struggles you all you girlies face. Tell me. Like today was my birthday and my periods decided to come today!!

Haha, mine ended the other day! I have PCOS, and lemme tell you PCOS is not fun. My periods are all over the place, I get random blackheads and pimples, I get a mustache (yes a mustache) that I have to shave... so yeah, that’s MY girl struggle. Also trying to dress my age (18) and getting told I look “cute” because I have a baby face and I’m short (157 cm/5’2)
@goldenbuoy said in #26:
> I’m not a girl, but a problem or a struggle I HATE is when stupid dudes treat ladies like there weaklings, dummies, or try to take over or suppress them. As a male, I apologize on behalf of all dudes, you shouldn’t be treated like that.

As a female, you’ve earned my respect dude. Glad to see there is still some hope for humanity after all.
@RedHotP4wn said in #28:
> Haha, mine ended the other day! I have PCOS, and lemme tell you PCOS is not fun. My periods are all over the place, I get random blackheads and pimples, I get a mustache (yes a mustache) that I have to shave... so yeah, that’s MY girl struggle. Also trying to dress my age (18) and getting told I look “cute” because I have a baby face and I’m short (157 cm/5’2)

heyy, pcos sounds like such a struggle, and i can only imagine how frustrating it must be. the random breakouts, the unwanted hair, the unpredictable cycles, thats so frustating.. but honestly, you’re handling it like a queen, and that’s something to be proud of.

and i totally get the 'cuteee' thing. like, can’t i just be effortlessly cool instead? T-T
but trust me, having a baby face and being short is kinda a blessing in disguise. you’ll be looking 25 when you’re 40, and everyone else will be jealous.

sending yall all the love, you gurls are doing amazing just the way you are <3