
Would you rather

Would you rather die trying to make a time machine or die trying to make a lightsaber
Whats the material difference here? Do I die completing the projects or just in development?
@CyBeR_WoLf_67482 said in #1:
> Would you rather die trying to make a time machine or die trying to make a lightsaber
What #2 said. If after completion, then the former because a light Saber doesn't even compare . If in development, still the time machine because atleast I'll make progress, while a light Saber is honestly practically useless when assault rifles exist.

But I do think a time machine would be incredibly risky because it can be weaponised and everyone would suffer the consequences. We know too little about it. What if someone tried to bring Hitler back or something?
A time machine because I can go back in time and make myself alive again!
<Comment deleted by user>
Everyone on high alert! A phantom had created a dangerous weapon or tool!
@CyBeR_WoLf_67482 said in #1:
> Would you rather die

Which company has better benefits for survivors (family members)? The Time Machine company or the Lightsaber company?
only God can control time, so time machine is impossible for human.
Humanity has created more dangerous weapons than light saber, so no need for that.
i prefer become useful for God & other people.

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