
Whom do think should dawn marry in pokemon:ash or kenny.


I'm talking about the trading cards which people buy for lots' of money with vain hopes of earning money
@shadow1414 I mean that you can buy an indivutal overpriced carif you'd like to but if you buy cards then it's gambling
To my knowledge, if people know what they are doing (Do good research to figure out what has a high chance of becoming meta, etc), they have a pretty good chance of profiting off-of such investments.
What's absolutely cardinal here, chère Shadow1414, is an extreme degree of both prescience and cunning.
(if ash ever gets married) dawn can't be with ash. as far as we are concerned, ash still has plenty of adventures to go on. so imagine ash has compromises at home, that would limit his adventures like soooooooo much. ash also only known dawn for like, uhh, idk, 3 months?

kenny is a guy dawn at least knows since their early days, also is interested in similar stuff, where he can meet her very often, also has a crush on her. I doubt dawn would want to stay with him, but he is definitely better then ash

ps.: kenny only has 1 unevolved pokemon, while ash has 2
#31: With little to no knowledge of how to assess the value of trading cards, I made a fairly sizable profit from Magic: the Gathering arbitrage a few years ago. Not thousands of dollars, mind you, but hundreds.
As long as there is a demand for something, and so long as you are able to procure said thing at a lower price than you are able to sell it, this type of investment makes sense. Tangible goods that don't suffer from spoilage or depletion also hold their value better than currency, due to the fact that they are less susceptible to inflation.
Never to be obfuskated with inflagration.
That's like saying Eintracht Frankfurt is 1. FC Köln.

"As long as there is a demand for something, and so long as you are able to procure said thing at a lower price than you are able to sell it, this type of investment makes sense."

That is true.I've never bought trading cards so it kinda looked weird and stupid as to why people would buy cards with cartoon creatures on them.

Sorry, maybe I was just wrong about the trading cards.

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