
who hopes Ukraine will win?

thumbs up for Ukraine, thumbs down for Russia. i'm voting for Ukraine.
They cannot reasonably hope to win this current invasion and Putin will install a russian puppet government but Putin , like all dictators will eventually be toppled and as long the people of Ukraine resist and remember who they are then they can rise up again and regain their freedom.
"Putin , like all dictators will eventually be toppled"

Yeah, like Stalin!
I strongly support Russia. There are extremely high chances that Russia will win. It has already captured a part of Ukraine and has many times in the past marched through part of the country. Russians think that that area is theirs and that is very much true. Russian infantry, air force and navy will overwhelm Ukrainians. Ukraine is also not part of NATO but Russia would not like it to be.
@MrPushwood said in #5:
> "Putin , like all dictators will eventually be toppled"
> Yeah, like Stalin!

True he had to die but the worst of his reign of terror was diminished afterwards by Khrushchev at least until Brezhnev came to power and cracked down again.

Russia has a long sad history with few moments of freedom. Hopefully the Ukraine can escape that fate.
I don't think what @Mopman said can be possibly true. I don't think Putin is a dictator because he is hesitating before capturing Ukraine. I believe Putin himself is not sure whether or not he wants to capture Ukraine. However, Ukraine was a part of Russia a long time ago and that is the reason Putin wants to capture Ukraine. When you said that " as long the people of Ukraine resist and remember who they are then they can rise again and regain their freedom." This is not possible for Ukraine to accomplish on its own. It needs help from other more developed countries like UK and USA.

Also ( I forgot to mention this ), Russian troops are surrounding Ukraine from several directions and countries. Belarus is also a comrade of Russia. But to me, it seems more like Belarus is a puppet country to Russia who is using it for its needs.
I'm not even russian, but I wonder why people don't say that Ukraine was in war against Donbass militia since 2014, running over the Minsk agreements of stop fire for 8 years in a row.

I actually know why, people are cattle of big media, they can't think by theirselves and searching by their own about the worldwide events, they want chewed information, ready to swallow, they barely know media poops out information and their mouth is pointing to their asses.
@Mopman said in #7:
> True he had to die but the worst of his reign of terror was diminished afterwards by Khrushchev at least until Brezhnev came to power and cracked down again.
> Russia has a long sad history with few moments of freedom. Hopefully the Ukraine can escape that fate.

The word freedom is a utopian one, in general. Though the war will bring death to thousands of innocent people and their families, I doubt the overthrow of Putin will do them much good either. Be it a puppet Russian government, or a puppet US government, it won't will do much good for the people of both nations.

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