
Who here is VEGAN

A kid at my school hates me because I'm vegan. Help me.
@alicemia said in #1:
> A kid at my school hates me because I'm vegan. Help me.

Just ignore him/her. Everyone has different diets/meal choices, and it's fine to eat what you want to.
my wife and I are long, long, long time vegans. (25 years veganism between us)

you will encounter people who are prejudiced against you because of your beliefs throughout your life.

many people do get a little bit more mature about respecting other peoples' beliefs and life choices as you get older, but there will always, always be jerks. fact of life.

it is up to you to how you respond.

often times ignoring the antagonizer, as difficult as it may seem, takes the fuel out of their fire.

people often seem to hate what they do not understand.
another way of what i am trying to say people respond to you is _not_ in your control. people are not thinking about you, they are thinking about themselves, almost all of the time.

this will get easier as you get older...i promise: 99% of people's opinion of you _does not matter_. people whose opinion matters slightly more: people who are good to you in your life. note i didn't say family or 'friends', because surprise! they aren't always good. not a universal law.

the problem is, if you are young enough to use the phrase "X hates me because i'm blah"...then you are probably not old enough to have developed a shield to other people's garbage opinions.

that shield is the liberation that comes with maturity, education, and finding one's own 'tribe'.

the absolute hardest part of being vegan is the social impact. it is real.

with multivitamins, eating lots of beans, nuts, tofu, etc., and B12, vitamin D, and omega 3 supplements, EATING vegan is not hard at all. especially if you live in a town with lots of vegan options, grocery stores, and friends and/or a partner who are vegan. that shit is easy.

what is hard is going to some Podunk town for a family gathering and having the same cousin or moron uncle make the same 5 dumb comments or jokes every goddamn time you visit.

because they are almost always a low status, uneducated MORON who needs to punch down to feel good and righteous about themselves.

have I ever pushed my beliefs on anyone? NO. have i ever asked somebody to watch cowspiracy or tried to convince somebody that my choices were better than their (likely not a choice, but the status quo) lifestyle? ABSOLUTELY NO.

but opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.
I am not vegan (I eat eggs for breakfast), but according to the Dutch law, it is not allowed to think someone is worth less because of skin color, religion, nationality, gender... and I think diet is also under that (And I totally agree with that law)

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