
Which is your least favourite app?

Noooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooooooòoooooo @Ak888
is there any other person, like me, that does not have any apps?

reply with:

+1 : 0 apps (i must be a very unsocial person ;)
-1 : <= 20 apps (i have some apps, but i only need whatsapp because of my friends)
horsey : > 20 apps (the internet, my soul, is right here, in my phone)
<Comment deleted by user>
the hoover , my dog hates it and i cant stand hoovering up either , a horrible appliance

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