
Where does your username come from?

Koo is my nickname
8384 is my car's number
My other usernames-
Koo2004 (I was born in 2004)
Koo1016 (I began with that fide rating)
Koo1021(my current fide rating)
If you find someone with one of these usernames, you found me
Mine came from a legendary forum thread on Another Network. One of its byways and offshoots led to the Bunyanesque (or was that Kilroyesque?) figure known as Pushwood.

He's been called Ghost and Son Of...yes, once even Pushwood, Maid Of Mars! On this site he is known as both Mr and Dr.

And of course, he is the originator (and indeed even namer) of that piquant conundrum known as "Pushwood's Paradox."
My nickname 'philodendron68' that I chose for myself means that I was born 1968 and that I like trees very much.
I have planted many trees.
My username came from the comments of people regarding me in social media (they always say that why you don't reply I think you are very busy and sometimes I got to hear that why are you so busy and where are you so busy) so I decided to keep my username as busybaby :)
Cos only busy not seems good so that's why I put baby there and I also like it so it's *Busybaby* :)

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