
Whats your favourite sport and why


Sorry mate its not that taking the mick is a problem. It's that you do it with one or two countries and we just bend over and take it, no drama. Then try it with other countries and you get perma ban and labeled.

It's the double standard that I'm getting at. Take the Mick all you want, if people can't take a joke then they are a joke for that reason.

I just can't stand double standards. It's not you showing double standards, it's the world. Try using derogatory terms for other countries with any other ethnicity and you get "cancel culture" down your throat quicker then a tramp on a sandwich.
The problem with American football isn't the name, or the padding. It's that it's gross commercialization in search of a sport. A three hour+ game has only 18 minutes of action; there is nearly one commercial for every play that is shown.

Which, if you get down to it, is probably one of the most American things you can have.

That, and have a closed off league so new teams can't challenge the status quo. Oh, and a salary cap so those greedy kids from the hood can't take advantage of those poor, disadvantaged billionaire owners.
censorship in open online forums does defeat the object of open online forums but that is the world we live in isnt it ,
crtain countries are verboten to criticise , but that isnt right is it , if you deserve criticism then dont go crying to the mods if you get it ,
if this way of thinking leads to bans then id say those who are making the bans are the ones who are in the wrong ,
but i recall that the internet was a vehicle of free speech once
anyway enough of this as its sidetracking the thread , so back to the ops question my answer is
i love football , why because its great to play and watch ,

You sure about that? Who was it that renamed 'French Fries' and 'French toast' in the congressional cafeteria to 'Freedom Fries' and 'Freedom Toast'?
Basketball, as it's quick, seamless action where you have to strategize a lot and work together with your team as a coherent unit. It builds character and team spirit, and is accessible to nearly everyone.
Who Renamed french fries? That's ridiculous mate.

In the UK though we have regional laws. You can't call a cornish pasty a cornish pasty ifnit was not made in Cornwall! Even if it's made just over the river in Devon.

Some counties are just pathetic, you don't hear people from Yorkshire saying we can't have Yorkshire pudding in London. Same stupid logic btnone county isn't so petty.

Anyway who called french fries "freedom Fries" that is beyond the snowflake realm.

I'm not on about France by the way. I said ui"if we use derogatory terms about certain countries we may risk a ban". I meant Israel, Africa, China....talking about Israel is near guaranteed to get backlash. Maybe Palestine too depending on who and where.

Basically, you should be able say what you want as long as its not just blatant racism or stuff like that then they should just take it and move on.

Some countries are dumps, say it out loud and I'm labeled as racist. No idea how seeing filth on the streets of Mumbai is racist but some like to throw these words around when I say it's ERM. "mess".

I think we are misunderstanding what the other is saying.
lol your analogy re yorkshire pudding aint bang on mate , a proper yorkshire pudding isnt like the ones you get in aunt bessie packs , its flat and fills a plate , not small and round , ie what you get served in londoom ,
but thats a common mistake many make , if they aint from yorkshire

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