
What's your favourite nebula(e)

@YouTubePremium said in #10:
> No. N44 is an emission nebula with superbubble structure located in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way in the constellation Dorado.
Oh okay, wasn't familiar with that catalogue
And I'll pick the classic Ring Nebula (which somehow or other reminds me of that Time Portal gizmo in the Joan Collins Star Trek).
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MESSIER 57 I think it is the most beautiful deep sky object
But also The Pillars of Creation don't joke!
"Oh okay, wasn't familiar with that catalogue"

Yeah, that N thing is a new one on me too.
To @MrPushwood it has been theorised that some ring nebulae may be created by a wormhole, instead of a collapsed to black hole or neutron star. Some form of quark star could also be responsible.

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