
What's your favorite Number?

What's your favorite number? It can be negative, irrational, imaginary, or anything you want! If you want, share what makes it your favorite number! My favorite number is square root of -4 or 2i. This is because it's cool that this number squared is a negative number, and 4 is just a cool number because 2x2=2+2=4.
i never had a favorite number is it a weird thing :skull:
jokes aside i like +inf, however is inf a number or a container
If I had a favorite number it would be an Octonion, but I was never able to properly think in 8 dimensions.
2^82589933 - 1 The currently largest known prime number.

But also 2^19626389 - 1 (a composite number) because this is the first one I ever personally tested on my own machine (a double-check confirming someone else's test).
@Brian-E said in #5:
> 2^82589933 - 1 The currently largest known prime number.
> But also 2^19626389 - 1 (a composite number) because this is the first one I ever personally tested on my own machine (a double-check confirming someone else's test).

That's so cool!

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