
What's going on in Ukraine?

@DERG_CHESS said in #43:
> @Red-white Ur assuming everyone is wrong and lying to u. But don't ya think...tht maybe Ur wrong?

He's not assuming..he's utterly convinced of it.
@Molurus said in #6:
> The latest news is that Sweden has formally requested to join NATO, which is awesome.

and Finland
@SaiBalmuri said in #45:
> and Finland

Putin has totally failed to comprehend modernity.
Nations anywhere near him now see the West was correct all along about Communist Russia, and have implicitly asked for NATO protection against the lunatic.
To anyone actually interested in becoming better informed, as opposed to virtue signalling or point scoring or whatever the point of this thread is supposed to be, I would recommend
@Marlonc said in #47:
> To anyone actually interested in becoming better informed, as opposed to virtue signalling or point scoring or whatever the point of this thread is supposed to be, I would recommend

Is that Russian government website?
@Marlonc said in #49:
> No, it's American

Just opened it and did a quick scroll through...looks interesting...bookmarked . Will read a bit more when time permits, then form an opinion on it's bona fides.

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