
what is your dream

In a blackhole, you fall into a tube-like thing which gets thinner and thinner as you go further forcing you to be squeezed which finally results in death.
It's literally a thing, the process is known as "Spaghettification".
@Xopia hey do you believe in technology i think no
, i had written that i make a rocket that do not react on much gravity and we will not be spaghetti as because of much gravity body parts will be Broken i mean uh..... like the face will be detached from body or any other body parts like face. and don't judge some one dream
hmmm.... what is your dream?
to see real dinosaurs , to go to space , easting worlds tastiest food , to sit on lion , to watch starts , to become a grandmaster , to be best cricket batsman , should get full marks in exam always , want to become spider man , talking with god

Are my best dreams
Get 1900 bullet rating in lichess.

Wait, I already have one!

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