
what is sandbagging?

What is sandbagging? I've found this term many times in forum posts and I don't know what it is. Please explain to me
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@TheKingClash said in #2:
> When a person artificially decreases their rating by losing on purpose, or artificially increases their rating by arranging with an opponent to win.

that's vicious and crual, why doing this?
and why it's called like this?
WassimBerbar i will give you an example of why someone might do this
a cash prize tournament of chess , the player with a false grade enters as a novice grade , in the early rounds they get paired with weaker players and progress towards the prize , it gets tougher the closer they get but they did get a very unfair start
this is cheating , and if picked up on is rightly punished
online their are those who increase their grades by following the example King Clash mentions , this is for social status and bragging rights , they also but they get found out too , esp if there chess isnt as good as they make out

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