
What incident at school made you the saddest?

What incident at school made you the saddest? What did the person say or do to you? And most importantly did you get revenge:)? At the end we'll compare whose is the saddest..
Also if you can suggest some ideas for revenge too..
I'll tell mine later tho (a lots of children in my class have accounts in lichess)
I had a look at some of your recent threads: "Gun or Knife", "Incognito mode on youtube". Now, it sounds like you might be planning some kind of revenge (and your classmates will know). hmm... I'm glad I'm not your classmate.
My thought exactly.A bit of counseling may be in order.
Well, ideas... don't ask me. I have a violent nature. So, what pops in my head is kidnapping, taking their stuff, ruining their school books, etc...
When maintenance figured out how to turn the water back on for the restrooms....that broke my heart.
When my teacher Mrs. Henderson said I had to stop farting when the dismiss bell rang.
When the cross country team I was on came in second at the state championship.My team captain,Jeff Moody,did come in first however and was later a national champion.
@Frogster64 said in #2:
> I had a look at some of your recent threads: "Gun or Knife", "Incognito mode on youtube". Now, it sounds like you might be planning some kind of revenge (and your classmates will know). hmm... I'm glad I'm not your classmate.
Oh no! He knows too much already! It seems that I have to try my AK-47

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