
*What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence?


*What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence?

@InkyDarkBird said in #5:
> Carbon dioxide.
Terrible idea. Carbon dioxide causes greenhouse effect, that warms the global Earth temperature.
Too much carbon dioxide causes too much greenhouse effect that warms the global temperature too much, which causes issues that might well lead to unstoppable catastrophes.
But no greenhouse effect at all would mean a very cold Earth, on which life would perhaps not even be possible.
@FC-in-the-UK said in #6:
> But no greenhouse effect at all would mean a very cold Earth, on which life would perhaps not even be possible.
Bruh -1 degrees Celsius is not going to ruin Earth.
We also still have methane and other greenhouse gases.
I'm not your bruh, and removing ALL the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere would result in temperatures that are way colder than just 1 degree Celsius (according to this NASA website, without the CO2, oceans would be frozen solid
Ah, and also all plants would die because carbon dioxide is essential for photosynthesis. Then all herbivores would die, and soon after all carnivores woumd equally die of starvation.

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