
What do you think of Shakespeare?

Undoubtedly a great writer and responsible for many of the idioms and sayings of the English language but personally I just could never get into him though I did give it a try.
Whether to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous misclicking or to resign and thus to end them
I saw the occasional Shakespeare plays many years ago and I did not understand anything the characters were saying. English is not my first language. Maybe I'll give it another try someday.
His plots and motifs are timeless and immortal, because he must have had a great understanding of human nature and psychology if you want to call it that.
Style and language are hopelessly outdated though and quite difficult to approach, at least for a non-native speaker.

It is well that he is still being read today, but we should no put him on too high a pedestal above all contemporary writers.
@Dukedog said in #1:
> Undoubtedly a great writer and responsible for many of the idioms and sayings of the English language but personally I just could never get into him though I did give it a try.

There's a saying that he used to shake his spear constantly which resulted in writing books. This is the reason why you couldn't get into him. Only he can get into you..

What I wrote above is similar to how he wrote his books. Strange..

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