
What do you hate the most in your life?

<Comment deleted by user>
Useless post that are taking the good posts away.
Spamming too.
Well, I (as everyone) hate a lot of things you know, I think that we must think of what we like, take this :
Go ask a random person what do he/she hate they will answer you tons of things, but if you ask him/her what do they like the most, it will be difficult to have the same number of things that he/she likes than the number of thing he/she hates.

Don't wanna be the psychologist here ;p
<Comment deleted by user>
1. Global warming
2. People who don't care about global warming
3. People who say global warming isn't a thing
4. Leaders and politicians that don't do anything against global warming.
Am I correct in assuming that you're leaning more towards local warming @tourdivoire ?
That's assuming that it isn't warming per se that you're opposed to.
Oh and I forgot. Pre-recorded voices which tell you to hold on.
Suicide is a human-right, taking it away, and supporting the idea of taking it away is unacceptable, and should be punished heavily.

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