
What do you do that irritates others?

I will not relent on my mission to promote Rush as the greatest rock band, hence I link way too many Rush videos to forum posts. But, I will resist this one time to make the forum.

Must Resist.

must resist.

i often open 10 new forum topics within a couple of minutes, for no good reason.
you're lucky then! people find it extremely irritating when i do that. probably way more irritating than linking some rush videos. this topic can be closed, because my thing is the most irritating one.
I talk too quietly so that large swaths of my speaking dies with surrounding noise. Whenever I try to speak up, I easily accidentally raise my voice too much, anyone who told me to speak up gets irritated and probably questions if I mean it sarcastically.

Also I always spell adverbs with '-ally', not '-ly' when both may fit.

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