
What did you do as a child that got you into trouble?

@Noflaps said in #24:
> Я не собака, товарищ. Но у меня есть один, и он действительно влияет на мои убеждения. Он умный пес. Так что угадайте, за кого он голосует на следующих выборах.
For the leader who died at his post.
@verylate said in #26:
> @Wik1tor: Преимущество взрослых в том, что у них есть опыт, которого нет у детей; Преимущество детей в том, что они все еще могут приобретать и учиться на опыте. Я останусь в 17 лет еще на 50 лет. Даже если цена никогда не учится.
A cute soul is awe - inspirinq.
Gotta go fast
Gotta go fast
Gotta go faster, faster, faster, faster, faster!
@four_legs_good said in #19:
> When "our best and brightest" are scammers and swindlers, that tells a lot about "us".

You're just jealous of my 4th grade supervillainy.
@clousems said in #4,#5, & #6:
> Cited the Geneva Convention as a way to get out of doing my Spanish test in the 4th grade
> Also in fourth grade, I established an underground economy with erasers as currency, then manipulated the value of erasers for my own profit. I made like 50 bucks.
> Also in fourth grade, while unattended during a field trip, I convinced quite a few people that I was an adorable part of a father and son photography business. People would pay me to "get my dad" to take pictures, and I would run off with the money. Naturally, people wouldn't complain, since they were so embarrassed about getting scammed by a fourth grader on a field trip. Then, when we went to the mall food court, I offered to take care of buying the rest of the classes food if they gave me the money for it. Then I told all the food court workers that my mom was the building owner and got discounts on all the orders, allowing me to keep the change.
> Fourth-grade me was a straight-up baller.
WHO ARE YOU??????????
well i would tell you but i am on the government's most wanted list in multiple country's sooo...
lets just say i did a lot more then set my school on fire like Dukedog or scam old people like clousems.
oh and i am definitely not a kid and a am definitely not not hacking into the CIA wink wink
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