
What comes after death...

You see, what comes after death is whatever you believe comes after death. Think about it, you might me Christian and you go to heaven after death, or you might some other religion that you get reincarnated. Either one isn't wrong, everything is a perception, whatever you believe happens in the afterlife then it probably is gonna happen. But it also depends on the level of seriousness and how many people believe in it. Think, if you believe you will turn into a element in the periodic table, well.. you might but probably not. How many people actually believe that. But at the end of the day, it your perspective.
Let's think about this.

Suppose there are two people. One of them (we will call him Joe*) believes that everyone will go to heaven or hell when they die. The second (we will call him Donald*) believes in reincarnation.

According to you, as I read it, they are both right and will both go to their perceived afterlife.

Now, here is the problem. Joe believes that Donald will go to heaven or hell in Joe's percieved afterlife, but Donald doesn't. If Joe is right, he (Donald) will, though he (Donald) does not believe it. But if Joe is wrong, then Joe will not go to heaven (or hell) despite his faith.

So either Joe or Donald are right, but not both. This seems to be because if one is right, the other can't be, according to the law of noncontradiction. Hence, a collision of worldviews that will quickly be made evident on a chess site's forum.

A quick note:
> how many people believe in it.
The number of people who believe in a thing is not sufficient to determine whether that thing is true. It will be true or false independent of adherents.

*not related to the famous and infamous old men who run or ran the USA
Another game. We take our chances wherever we go. If you already knew exactly where to go, you'd already be there. I helped Merlin cheat it as Percival in an Avalon game moments ago.

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