
What can't u live without

@CosmicPegasus2006 said in #26:
> @kimia_ashirley I study materials that are mostly studied by degree students. I don't like to study what's in my course ( class 11 course ). Even, I can understand those concepts with relative easy because of my IQ i.e, 145-150.
Oh me too
@CosmicPegasus2006 said in #25:
> @kimia_ashirley , hmmm maybe you are right. I don't know much about psychology. But in my case, it more genetically caused. My father, grand father, and fore fathers were scientist like Satendra Nath Bose and Jagdish Chandra Bose.
That's not psychology. Test your hemispheres you'll understand,
@kimia_ashirley sorry I don't know how to test that. I only know about MBTI and IQ test of mine. So, u too like this things. Hmm interesting. Though my specialization is in cosmology and astrophysics but I am still passionate about nuclear physics and particle physics also quantum physics which I haven't mentioned. I love such possibilities like gravitons, tachyons etc etc.
@CosmicPegasus2006 said in #34:
> @kimia_ashirley sorry I don't know how to test that. I only know about MBTI and IQ test of mine. So, u too like this things. Hmm interesting. Though my specialization is in cosmology and astrophysics but I am still passionate about nuclear physics and particle physics also quantum physics which I haven't mentioned. I love such possibilities like gravitons, tachyons etc etc.
maybe test your hemispheres here, or somewhere you know it's good.
*Hemispheres test makes light that your right hemisphere is more active or your left hemisphere is.
@kimia_ashirley I tested and the results are showing left brain dominance but my MBTI i.e, INFP and INTP dominance also INFJ and INTJ recessive traits are a bit contradictory. INFPs are emotional freaks and even my EQ is high. So whatever it is either my IQ or EQ or stroop test results (KQ) is, what really matters is my I CAN. Thank you @kimia_ashirley for your time.
@CosmicPegasus2006 said in #36:
> @kimia_ashirley I tested and the results are showing left brain dominance but my MBTI i.e, INFP and INTP dominance also INFJ and INTJ recessive traits are a bit contradictory. INFPs are emotional freaks and even my EQ is high. So whatever it is either my IQ or EQ or stroop test results (KQ) is, what really matters is my I CAN. Thank you @kimia_ashirley for your time.
Honestly all that stuff isn't that important. What's important is what you do with your life.

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