

Alright, let me do this.

PleaseUnmuteMe is the account Grononos made after being banned by Thibault Duplesis for making a racist comment in a tournament chat against a Brazilian opponent. The opponent said to Grononos (French player) that he, just like all French players was cheating (referring to the case of cheating in the French team a few years ago). Grononos answered something along the lines of "Well you are a a monkey, Brazilian monkey". At first he wasn't banned, he was simply muted from lichess, meaning he couldn't write anything on forums or ANY chat asides from private messages. When he tried to appeal, he was ignored. He made a few other accounts, PleaseUnmuteMe being the last of those. All the accounts were closed/banned due to violation of lichess' code on multiple accounts.
Grononos is a 60 something years old French chess player, with a FIDE rating high around 2200, maybe 2300 I can't remember. He actively teaches chess in the region Ile de France, the region that contains Paris and its suburbs. He is a phenomenal chess player, but he doesn't speak English and arguing his case was very complicated for him. As of today, he left lichess for good and is playing on other platforms, under another alias which I will not reveal for privacy matters.

I win.

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