
Video games that you hate and love

Like : rocket league, realm royale, ninjala, minecraft, minecraft dungeons, roblox and neko atsume
Dislike: F for FAT FOrtnite
@Ak888 Oh ya, brah, I should probably explain it. See I was just mocking some guy that spelled the word, "game" and other words completely wrong by telling him a true but irrelevant story that was actually more confusing then the string of words he used in his sentence. I was going for humor but it was lost on most perhaps. What do you think>? Oh, and I could probably spot you a rook and win a hundred games in a row too.
I love Star Wars the force unleashed, and hate Star Wars the force unleashed 2.
my favorite game is road rash and my least favorite game is Halloween 2013
like Minecraft and hate fortnight and brull stars
What I like: Rocket League, Minecraft
What I don't like: Fortnite

I used to love playing video games, now I am a bit bored of them.

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