
Underrated Films

Here are some films that I don't think get enough love, for whatever reason. Non-comprehensive.

---Treasure Planet-- Sure, it doesn't have the same charm as most of the 2D Disney flicks, but the visuals more than make up for it.
---Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
---Seven Psychopaths
---Red Dragon
---Star Wars: Episode I
---Literally any movie directed by Michael Haneke
---Peeping Tom
---Deep Red
---Great Mouse Detective
---Man Bites Dog
---Blood and Black Lace
---Santa Sangre
---Birdman (which somehow manages to be both overrated and underrated at the same time)
---Blade 2
---True Romance

What movies do you think are underrated? How wrong was my list?
OK, lots of obscure stuff with Australian bias...

Donnie Darko
The Story of the Kelly Gang [silent film made in 1906]
The Man who was born to be King. Pretty long but worth it.
The Fringe Dwellers. About Australian Aborigines but draws analogies with other groups.
The Man from Hong Kong. Hidden gem of 1970's Kung Fu.
The Craft.
Bangkok Hilton
Romper Stomper. A masterpiece in my opinion.
The Rats of Nimh
Ring of Bright Water. Film about an otter.
Muppets Take Manhattan
The Bad Seed [1956 version. I haven't watched the 2018 one.]
Treasure Planet has some of the most beautiful animation I've seen in a film, and it's a shame it's as underrated or forgotten as it is.
Star Wars I and III always get more hate than I feel they deserve (and I'm not just saying that because of the memes, I genuinely love I and III). Especially with Hayden Christian, I blame Lucas' inability to write dialogue rather than Hayden's acting (even some of the actors in the first film had to talk to him about the script).

If we can add some films to the list though, I'd like to suggest:

Catch Me if you Can
The Mask of Zorro
Kubo and the Two Strings
The Grand Budapest Hotel (possibly my favourite film behind Toy Story, the original Lion King and Godzilla '98)
When Marnie was There (I still need to read the book it's based on because it's set in my home county of Norfolk)
Melancholia - Maybe well-received in certain hills, but as many dark masterpieces soon engulfed by the waffle irons of oblivion. The white stretched limo at the start got my attention straight away, which is very rare ( I didn't then know what kind of movie I was about to see). And then there was the magical wigwam made from sticks at the end. Wigwam and limo seeming 2 instances of an identical symbol. In between a Caravaggio depicting the beyond staggering human existential hypocrisy and denial we all know all too well.
@clousems It's funny Unbreakable is in my opinion the most overhyped of Shyamalan's films although I also feel it has a pretty strong following

@TheBoarShark I feel Catch Me if You Can has a pretty solid rep.

@ravenmaure I found Melancholia a pretentious film (and Von Trier a pretentious director) though the ending sequence was very nice
@TheBoarShark Grand Budapest Hotel was more unlucky than any other movie of which I can think. It was one of the 10 best movies of the decade, and still only the third or fourth best film of 2014, after Whiplash, Birdman, and possibly Foxcatcher.
@clousems Another terrible take. Grand Budapest Hotel is very overrated. What a cartoonish, shallow film.

Melancholia isn't in my top 5 favorite of Lars von Trier films, but it's not terrible. (Edit: Catch Me if You Can is definitely overrated. Spielberg in general is overrated).

(Edit 2: @clousems #1 I agree, Deep Red, Rope, Birdman, True Romance, Santa Sangre, and all of Michael Haneke's films are good. I'm not sure any of these are "underrated", though. They're all held in fairly high esteem. And "Peeping Tom" is critically acclaimed as well, although I absolutely hated it, and find it very overrated, not underrated.

@Vegemite_Fighter Donnie Darko is not close to underrated. It's highly regarded by both critics and audiences. I liked it very much as well. But it doesn't belong in any "underrated" list.
@GrandLapin I know people say it's a good film, but I feel like it's one of those films that people hardly ever bring up when they talk about good films

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