
Trying to think of a totally inane subject for a pointless thread.

I'm unsure whether or not it is even technically possible to troll one's own thread;the question of thread-ownership has,to my knowledge,never been assayed.
I am sorely tempted to create "Thread Ownership..where does it begin and/or end?"
But that would expose me to cries of " fight spam where you find it,then you go and do some yourself!"
Comments invited.
I was in fact tempted to bring that up myself.
But hey. We don't have to literally shoot at everything that moves ALL the time. I hope.
Sorta like someone who is outraged that his home was burglarized, while he was out burglarizing someone else's home. Poetic justice. :]
Just a brief reminder that this thread offers itself as the natural home of the myriad inane and pointless threads which appear every day like mushrooms after rain.And it's free !
Compete with thousands of other members for rating points.*
Centralised Spam is our mission. **SOS !
*Points are awarded for degree of inanity and pointlessness..points are deducted for any semblance of relevance.
**Save Our Server
The server is fine. Lichess could easily remove year old posts/treads and DM from the server if they need space.

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