
Trump Announces!

Of course I know what day of the week it is. It's the best day. The greatest day because it's an American day and they don't have it in other countries. And all other days suck.
@polylogarithmique You might know what day it is, but Biden needs an autocue to remind him and even then he reads the instructions out loud. You couldn't make it up.
Look I am no fan of Biden but making stuff up about him that are not true is a bit shameful, don't you think so?
@BorisOspasky said in #7:
> @polylogarithmique Biden is on video reading off the autocue. The truth hurts.

A fan of 45th? It is not as if there were not crackpots politicians exersizing power in UK lately. Maybe you should focuss on that?
@bfchessguy This thread is about DT standing again.. not about the utter cesspit the UK has become in the last 25 years. Got it? BTW I couldn’t give a rats arse whether you like my opinion or not. It’s mine, I’m entitled to it. Maybe you should focus on that.
@BorisOspasky said in #9:
> @bfchessguy This thread is about DT standing again.. not about the utter cesspit the UK has become in the last 25 years. Got it? BTW I couldn’t give a rats arse whether you like my opinion or not. It’s mine, I’m entitled to it. Maybe you should focus on that.

Cheers dear brexiter! ;-)

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