
Topic of the week and a half

As a scientist I happen to be interested in the question as to how dumb exactly a blonde can get. Any helpful data will be most appreciated! I'll analyse the shit out of it and make a nice powertpoint presentation for you all! Thanks!!!
First of all, Do you realize how racist this is?!!!!? Secondly, I have met some pretty dumb blondes. I met this one blonde girl that decided to hit a bullet with a hammer... almost killed someone. I have met some pretty crazy red-heads tho :D
Dunderklumper is a known troll - really he should be muted by now. Just ignore this thread.
Don't you worry guys. I've filed a complaint against him and it looks promising. He'll be brushed out of this place like a dead dustridden fly before you can say that's what she said. I assure you. Thank you. Good evening. Merry christmas. Best wishes. Be safe. Hurray. Happy easter.
Arguing with dunderklumper is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are at chess, the pigeon will just knock the pieces over, shit on the board, and strut around like it's victorious.
Source: the web
Well, lubormir, have you ever considered that playing chess with a pigeon is rather daft? Some food for thought perhaps?
LOL, that's called a figure of speech. I'm sorry for using basic knowledge.
@dunderklumper Dude! Just stay yourself! You can burn yet other profile name or you can choose to flesh out the one you have. I couldn't give a fuck. I just wish these things were automated. You are definitely a real person.

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