
*TIMMY* very pleased with Lichess community

Little Timmy woke up one morning and rubbed his little eyes. "Oh boy, a new day, and I have the best job in the world! I'm an internet forum mod! I'm powerful and people love me!"

But a sneaking, slimy doubt crept into Little Timmy's mind, a dark thought of suspicion. Timmy felt a bit insecure. What if the people of the land of Lichess weren't happy with his threat to ban his teacher over her saying the word "China"? What if they thought he was not a hero, but just a dimbulb who reactively banned people because they said words that other people told him were forbidden?

Then Little Timmy looked at the Lichess forum and breathed a huge sigh of relief. Everyone either loved his mindless censorship, or they didn't understand what censorship was!

How happy that made Little Timmy!
I love when passive-aggression gibberish masquerades as a one note parable that makes sense only to whoever scribbled it out with the equivalent of a digital crayon.

Boo hoo. Your other account probably banned. Do you want us to guess why?

Are you gonna keep posting nonsense or will you actually make a point?
*TIMMY* very pleased with community

ngl I thought "*TIMMY*" would be upset because of the number of downvotes the post about him got last time.
*TIMMY* then died by novichok nerve agents used as a poison in his orange juice

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