
thoughts while thinking

Stanley Rockwell, an insurance salesman from West Hartford, Connecticut, was standing at a pay phone in Nantucket in mid-September 1980 talking to his wife, Betty, when he noticed Richard Nixon step off a nearby yacht. Calling out to the ex-president, Rockwell asked Nixon if he wouldn't say a few words to his wife. Glad to oblige, Nixon picked up the phone and said, "Betty, who's this woman your husband's with?" Then he smiled at Rockwell and walked away.

--The New Book of Lists
Oh, and thanks to Skittle for bringing up Eddie Haskell! His level of sheer punk-kidness remained unmatched for a generation...until Ralph Macchio equaled it for the final season of Eight Is Enough. :)
I got shat on by a crow while reposing under a wallnut tree having some freshly picked cherries. To my surprise I took it as a compliment.
“I am persuaded that he means well for his Country, is always an honest Man, often a Wise One, but sometimes and in some things, absolutely out of his Senses.”

--Benjamin Franklin (about John Adams)
Hey, here's one that oughta appeal to Mr Coffee...during WWII the Soviets actually had a general named Semen Perevertkin.

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